Tuesday, July 31, 2007


My horoscope for the week and for yesterday and today is coming true, hard and furious. I was never really a believer that everything it prophesizes will happen because somedays it employs intentional vagueness (history!) that has to let the readers guess what is it. But now, a little bit happy and a little bit confused to be exact, but it's a bit of excitement for each day :D

4 tests in a week and if you count the basic skills Chem practical it is 5. One each day to be exact. Isn't it against the 3test/week policy! Killing us. Should stop all tests to let us revise. 24 days if I'm not wrong, or 23. I'm like B-) already, channeling all the DHS mugger spirit we're so well-known for. I need my space and fun back!

Me: Why are you staying back in school for?
Szuyee: For fun
Me: Sigh fun doesn't exist in my dictionary now

So I go to the foyer to wait for Mel's dad. Thank you Mr Chan you are very nice and I'm super grateful for the times you and Mel's mum drop me off right at home! :D Grateful. As I sit, Szuyee saunters by and asks: I thought fun doesn't exist in your dictionary?

Is sitting in the foyer fun -.-