Saturday, August 04, 2007


One of those days when the bubble of happiness inside of you is growing so big it might burst and smother you with all the positive energy. There is this wholesome good feeling within me now; the feeling of contentment just makes you smile in the middle of the night for no rhyme or reason. I feel like screaming in joy!

One of those Fridays where you really thank God it's a Friday and that 2 days of rest awaits. Volleyball is the cure for all worries. Though my right palm is now swollen, and stubborn me refused to stop playing even though I had leg cramps everytime I jumped, though my right arm aches, I am by far a happier person. I lost all the negative emotions through sweat and force and I am renewed!

One of those nights you think back on the week or day and realize how much older you've grown and learned and the beauty of life strikes. You think of how your friends are always there, keeping you safe. How they fit the pieces you are missing, how they transform tears into laughter, how even if I were in the deepest depression, they'd make the day good in the end. How you could change so much you can't even recognize yourself, but they do. How this special bond between a group of close friends could feel so good, so comforting that someone will be there. How a smile and a few words in exchange from acquaintances around school makes the world a more loving place.

One of those times you start thinking about your life, how school might be a protection, those silly pranks and fun times, those gossip and late nights, those crushes and lovers. But we know and try to deny that we all move on and it won't be the same anymore soon. I want to be stuck at this age of transition, where everyday a new discovery is made, where everything will fit right in the end.

One of those people who can't stop thinking and musing, a thinker rather than a do-er, indulges in fantasies rather than to fight to achieve that fantasy herself :D

Sigh, what a wonderful world :D