So far yet so close
Edit: Class postings out!!!
My fears are unfounded. Am in 5C13! And Christmas came early! I got Hannah Teo Wei Wen!!!!!! As in, because it totally wasn't expected :D Although I'm quite sad she didn't get her desired combination as well. But oh wells she is optimistic! 2 more years together :D
Oh sorry I forgot to rave about the weather. WEATHER THESE DAYS HAVE BEEN AWESOME. I cannot stop raving about it to the people I speak to. The wind is like fantastic hooray!!!!
I had a series of nightmares last night. I think because I took a nap in the afternoon, I couldn't sleep at night. Anyway the dreams involved:
- Math and Geography exam on the same day. But I didn't study for both so I left the papers blank. Eugene was supposed to collect our papers and he was saying it was such an easy paper. And I was wondering, why the hell we have exams when we're already graduating. Melissa and Mich in front of me. They were copying ha ha!
- Mr Tan Tui Gee was going to set up a volleyball net in my tennis court! I remember feeling so happy while looking from my window. He was cycling and commanding the people playing tennis to get out and make way for the net.
- I remembered just now but I forgot after typing number 2. Hahahaha.
Anyway, woke up to many many messages regarding the class postings. Luckily I set it to silent last night because I was afraid that I'd get a message from whoever online saying: It's up!!!! And I didn't want to face it last night. Yeah but it's not even up yet.
I realised, I hate eating breakfast! It's not even that I don't eat because there's no time. Even if I wake early I don't eat at all. Hahaha I will die earlier than you.