Cairns (Day 1, 2, 3)
We reached the first! Thanks to Weijie who had to dive into the Esplanade's pool to search for a rock and later had to drip-dry alllll the way; Mabel the map-reader and yours truly who asked people for directions in my fake-almost-real-Aussie-accent.
Had Reef Teach! Learnt about fishes and corals and sorry I fell asleep halfway, had to resort to eating the chips we bought as part of the race to stay awake. Chengqian, I and Mabel were munching furiously.
Day 3: Snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef!
One of the highlights of the trip. Went aboard the Sea Star Cruise which went all the way into the super nice ocean. It was vast, came to a point where we saw nothing but sea, sea and more sea. The breeze was just damn good!
Put on snorkelling gear and got down into the water. And until now I still remember being super super awed the first time I put my head down. I didn't really expect anything but just 1cm below the water surface in my mask I saw this huge beautiful underwater world. Fishes, coral all live, swimming right under you! Whoah.
No photos of us in gear and in water, busy having fun, all of us :D Sometimes the current got too strong and it was quite hard to swim but the flipper helps.
After swimming for hours, got up for lunch (and lunch was just bloody fantastic!!!!) Got 2 servings of everything. Swimming makes you hungry. And very, very, very sunburnt.
Went for the snorkelling tour after lunch and one of the Sea star crew's lungs must be as huge as an.. Oxygen tank. He could go soooo deep down and do a lot of things underwater before coming up. Awesome.